地球磁场和周围环境磁场对电力变压器这类电磁器件的电感影响很大,从而导致处在这种磁场中的电磁器件电感的时变性很大,然而,历来测算这种时变电感的有效电感相当困难和烦琐。针对这一问题,依据电感电路瞬态过程理论,并利用现代微电子技术在线检测设施,提出一种测算这种磁场中电磁器件时变电感有效电感的新方法,此方法实施简便,切实可行。运用此方法进行现场测算的结果相当准确。还导出了测算这种有效电感的系列相关公式,不仅对测算这种有效电感快捷简便,而且对设计和研制工作在这种环境中的电力变压器这类电磁器件很有理论价值和实际意义。 ABSTRACT: The earth’s magnetic field and surroundings have an obvious effect on the electromagnetism device , which give rise to considerable time varying inductance. The traditional method of measuring the effective inductance,however, is difficult and loaded down with trivial details.Based on the theory of twinkling process of inductance circuit and online measure technology of modern micro-electronics,this paper studied and developed a new method for determining the effective inductance of time varying inductance in magnetic field. Not only is this method much more simple than traditional method, but it is practicable. Related formulas are derived for evaluating the effective inductance. KEY WORDS: time varying inductance; effective inductance;quasi direct current; saturation