该文提出了基于占空比扩展有源箝位正激式高频脉冲直流环节逆变器的组合式三相逆变器电路结构,并对其电路拓扑、稳态原理、三态DPM 电流滞环控制技术、负载特性、关键电路参数设计进行了深入的分析研究。这类组合式三相逆变器,由3 个完全相同的单相逆变器模块构成。设计并研制成功的3kVA 27VDC/200V400HzAC 组合式三相高频脉冲直流环节逆变器,具有体积重量小、变换效率高、静态精度高、动态响应快、输入电压变化范围宽、输出波形质量高、过载与短路能力强、带三相不平衡负载的能力强等综合性能。 ABSTRACT: A combined three-phase inverter based on the inverter with duty cycle extended active clamp forward style high frequency pulse dc link is proposed. The circuit topology,steady principle, control strategy of three-state discrete pulse modulation (DPM) hysteresis current, load characteristic,criterions of the key circuit parameters of the combined three-phase inverter are investigated. The three-phase inverter is combined of three same single inverter modules . A designed and developed prototype for 3kVA 27VDC/200V400HzAC combined three-phase inverter with high frequency pulse DC link has excellent comprehensive performances such as small bulk, lower weight, high conversion efficiency, high steady precision, fast dynamic response, wide input voltage range,good output waveforms, strong over-load and short-circuit ability, and strong ability with different nature load and three-phase unbalanced load. KEY WORDS: Power electronics;Three-phase;Inverter;High frequency pulse dc link ; Three-state discrete pulse modulation(DPM);Load characteristic