改变正反激组合式双向DC-DC变换器中正激和反激变压器的匝比配置,可以改变正激变压器和反激变压器传输功率占输出功率的比例。减小反激变压器的匝比,可以减小耦合电感传输功率占总输出功率的比例,有助于功率的有效传输。文章研究了采用不同的正激、反激变压器匝比对传输功率的分配比例、电流纹波等影响,并进行了试验验证。开关管S1~S4的等效输出结电容为C1~C4,体二极管或并联快恢复二极管为DS1~DS4;Llk为变压器漏电感,Cc1 为有源箝位电容。Vbus 为母线电压,Vbat为蓄电池电压。 ABSTRACT: The distribution proportion of the transferred power in the forward transformer and flyback transformer is varied with the turns ratio of the transformers. The flyback transformer has more losses than the forward transformer when they transfer the same power. So the smaller turns ratio of the flyback transformer in the forward-flyback hybrid bi-directional DC-DC converter helps to transfer power with higher efficiency.The influence on the power transfer and the current ripple with different turns ratio was researched. The experimental results verified the analysis. KEY WORDS: Power electronics;Bi-directional;Forward-flyback;Converter