在设计评估重要用户不间断供电系统UPS(Uninterrupted Power Supply)时不仅要考虑其可靠性,而且要兼顾其经济性,因此有必要探索一种综合可靠性与经济性最优的评估方法。该文在分析三种典型UPS 供电方案工作过程和特点的基础上,提出了一种简单实用的评估其供电可靠性指标的方法。该方法用状态空间法求解输入母线单元失效频率和平均修复时间,用最小割集法计算整个系统的供电可靠性指标。最终提出了UPS 系统可靠性寿命周期费用RLCC (Reliability Life Cycle Cost),作为确定综合可靠性与经济性最优方案的依据。该方法同样适用于其它各种紧急供电系统解决方案的可靠性评估与方案的选型决策。 ABSTRACT: Technique to evaluate the comprehensive index of reliability and economy of UPS was proposed. It is useful to design and estimate UPS system for vital load. The paper analyzed the operations of three typical UPS solutions and proposed an applied technique to quantitatively assess their reliability. Failure rate and average repair time of input-bus unit were calculated by state spaces method. Power reliability indices of whole systems were computed by min-cut method. Finally, the Reliability Life Cycle Cost (RLCC) of UPS system was defined and calculated. It is a criterion to find the most optimum reliability-economy solution. The proposed approach is useful in decision-making among different UPS system solutions.KEY WORDS: Power electroncis ; Uninterrupted Power Supply;Reliability Evaluation;Reliability Life Cycle Cost(RLCC)