在电网电压为正弦波的前提下,该文提出了在线检测基波无功电流和谐波电流的2条基本原理:①负载电流减去基波有功电流,剩下的就是基波无功电流和谐波电流之和;②电网电压与基波无功电流和谐波电流之和的乘积,在一个基波周期区间上的定积分为零。在自适应对消技术的基础上,根据这2条基本原理,该文提出了一种简便的在线检测基波无功电流和谐波电流的新方法。这种新方法使用积分器进行计算,不需要坐标变换,也不需要人工神经网络,具有计算简单、硬件简单、响应速度快和检测精度高的特点,具有很大的实用价值。通过计算机仿真对比,证明了新方法的优越性。 ABSTRACT: Imaging the voltage of electrified wire netting is sine wave,this article gives two basic principles of on-line detecting reactive current and harmonic current:(1)The difference of active current from load current current is reactive current and harmonic current;(2) If the voltage of electrified wire netting is sine wave,then the definite integral of the product of this voltage multiplied by reactive current and harmonic current is zero on the area of a basic term.On the basis of adaptive canceling technology,this article puts forward a simple on-line new method of detecting reactive current and harmonic current in according to these two principles. This new method uses a integer to calculate and needn’t reference transformation or artificial neural network. This new method has the character of brief calculation,simple hardware,rapid response and high precision. This new method would have wide applications. Computer simulation has proved this new method advantageous through comparation. KEY WORDS: power electronics; active power filter; current detection; adaptive canceling technology